Facts and statistics

Here you will find brief information on different statistical items.

City area

Area of city71.39 square km
Length of city limits52.6 km
East-west spread10.3 km
North-south spread 12.7 km
Highest elevation over sea-levelBergerweg 306 m
Lowest elevation over sea-level
Ruhraue on the boundary to Essen
60 m
Geographic position (Kirchplatz) 51° 23' 57'' latitude
7° 11' 9'' longitude


Number of inhabitants (31.12.2013)
55 948
26 944
29 004


Hattingen is located on the southern border of the Ruhr area. The neighbouring large cities are within easy reach and you can get to the countryside just as quickly.

General maps

Road traffic
The easiest way to reach Hattingen is via the Autobahn A 43, exit Witten-Herbede (21) or Sprockhövel (22). From here you will travel to Hattingen via federal highways or country roads. In Hattingen, you will find about 1,600 well-marked parking spaces in the city centre. The parking garages and car parks are open around the clock. The costs are 0.40 / 0.60 Euro for each half-hour or 4.00 / 6.00 Euro for a day-ticket (Monday - Friday from 9 am to 7 pm, Saturday from 9 am to 6 pm). Parking in Hattingen is otherwise free-of-charge!

Air traffic
Within 45 minutes by car or about 60 minutes by public transport, you can reach the Düsseldorf International Airport.

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